In pursuit of creating my own website, I found sites by three different graphic artists that have inspired me.
The first site is by Megan Weeks. Her website utilizes a grid layout to present her past projects while adhering to a cohesive earth toned color palette. Each of these aspects allow the information to be easily understood. Additionally, the navigation bar is concise and works to sort her projects by category. When clicking on one of the grid squares, you are directed to a page consisting only of information and graphics from that specific project.
One thing I noticed about Megan Weeks website in comparison to the others is that she neglects to include any information about herself or a description of her personal brand as a whole. Overall, I am most inspired by the layout, color palette, and simplicity of her site.
The second site that inspired me is by Jesse Nyberg. Similar to Weeks, Nyberg uses a grid layout to display his work. Because his work is so vibrant, I feel that the plain black background allows his work to standout on the page. One thing I like about this site is the navigation bar being on the left side of the page. When navigating other sites, I noticed how the navigation bar would disappear as you scroll through the site; leaving you to scroll all the way back to the top once you are finished with a page. Having a static left hand navigation bar allows the user to browse the site with ease. Although Jesse Nyberg includes an "about" section it only says "I'm Jesse. A designer from Los Angeles, California." I feel that both this site and Megan Weeks site could improve with the addition of a more personal section. In all, I am drawn to the layout, overall aesthetic, and navigation bar location of this site.
The last site I was inspired by is by Megan Fong. I appreciate her site for its minimalism which, like Jesse Nyberg's, allows her colorful detailed work to stand out. I feel that the use of a plain white background with only black text allows the information to be presented in a clear and concise manner. Contrary from the other two sites I examined, this website has all of the work on one page that can be navigated through scrolling. Because Fong did not use a grid layout, the short lines of text below each of her projects is easy to mistakenly skip over. Overall, I appreciate Megan Fong's use of a a contrasting white back ground with black text and the way her projects are able to be viewed through scrolling.